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Publicada la Agenda Estratégica de Investigación e Innovación para el Partenariado Europeo BrainHealth

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As the most complex organ of our body, the brain shapes our behaviours and how we engage with what surrounds us.
Characterized by the dysfunction or the degeneration of neural cells in various brain regions, brain disorders impact every aspect of social functioning, including relations and work life, at all ages and across the continents.
Some brain disorders – so called neurological disorders -affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves in the body, and control everything people do, like moving, talking, thinking, and feeling. Other brain disorders – the so-called mental disorders – rather affect a person's mood, or behavior. Finally, when a person's senses—like sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell—don't work as they should, we call those brain disorders sensory organ disorders. All together, those brain disorders have a huge societal burden: they heavily affect not only the lives of people with these conditions, but also their loved ones, healthcare systems, labour markets and economies.

The current global situation, which makes people even more vulnerable, invites increased collaboration and coordinated efforts in research, innovation and care. Over the last 20 years, the EU has funded significant research in brain health. It’s now time to join forces towards a unified system for brain health.
The Coordination and Support Action (CSA) BrainHealth – Designing a European Brain Health Landscape (2023-2025) has a mission to set the ground for a future European Partnership for Brain Health (EP BrainHealth) set to bring together key organisations and initiatives in the brain space according to its roadmap, the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).
The SRIA, which sets out key actions for research and innovation and aims at speeding up scientific and medical advancement to reduce the societal impact of brain disorders, addresses four main priorities:

- Promoting brain health and preventing disorders to identify brain health determinants and promote early prevention strategies across the lifespan.
- Improving early detection, treatment and care for timely detection of brain disorders and innovative, personalised, therapeutic strategies – including digital and AI-powered tools.

- Enhancing care and support to accelerate the translation of research into clinical practice, enable patient engagement in research and foster access to treatment.

- Addressing social, ethical, and legal issues affecting brain health to develop guidelines for responsible innovation and care. To achieve these goals and ultimately, advance brain health research and care and reduce the burden of brain disorders worldwide, the SRIA calls patients and key stakeholders in the field – including researchers, clinicians and caregivers, industry and global organisations – to work together, engage in funding collaborative research projects, enhance international cooperation and leverage existing data and infrastructure.


Fundación para la Formación e Investigación Sanitarias de la Región de Murcia
Fundación inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones de la Región de Murcia nº 92
Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca
Pabellón Docente, 3ª planta
C/ Campo 12, 30120 - El Palmar - Murcia
Datos Contacto Tel:968-359767 - Apartado de correos: 77 Murcia